Kashmir’s New Home

Kashmir was adopted Sunday morning. Kashmir went to a home in NJ with a five-year-old Sibe named Nikita and her dad. Nikita was thrilled to have visitors and she raced around the empty room that her dad has left free of furniture for better race and wrestle time. Kashmir immediately grabbed a treat she found in one of the treat and toy baskets and guarded it from Nikita, who was making no effort to take it, but did want to play. Nikita’s dad has plenty of Sibe experience to work with Kashmir on her guarding behavior and appreciate her puppy antics. When Kashmir’s old enough, she and Nikita will visit their local dog park regularly to make lots of new doggie friends. Kashmir’s new dad says he’d like to have four or five Sibes eventually. That will be quite a crew! We hope to hear from him when he’s looking again.

Posted in Our Dogs.